Sunday 12 October 2014

RIBUT Kuat 2014 seperti yang DILIHAT oleh Angkasawan NASA (GAMBAR) . . .

Imej Super Typhoon Vongfong menggunakan Suite NASA Inframerah Pengimejan radiometer nyata (This image of Super Typhoon Vongfong using NASA’s Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), obtained October 8, 2014 (AFPPhoto/NOAA/NASA/RAMMB/CIRA)

SrikandiTV Angkasawan NASA mencatatkan foto terbesar 2014 ribut di Bumi dari Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa. Taufan Vongfong menuju ke Jepun pantai dan sekuat ribut Haiyan yang membunuh beribu-ribu orang pada tahun 2013.

Seperti angin Khamis Vongfong adalah sekuat 105 knot (194,46 km/Jam) dan tiupan sehingga 150 knot (277,8 km/Jam), dengan ketinggian ombak mencecah 15.25 m. Ia dijangka menjadi kepada 260 km/Jam pada hari2 yang akan datang. Taufan beralih ke status 'super' apabila angin mencapai 150 mph (241km/Jam).

Angkasawan NASA Reid Wiseman, yang merupakan seorang ahli ekspedisi ke-41 ke ISS, telah mencatatkan gambar taufan dalam akaun Twitternya.

STRONGEST Storm of 2014 as Seen by NASA 
Astronaut (PHOTO) . . .

NASA astronaut has posted the photo of the biggest 2014 storm on Earth from the International Space Station. Typhoon Vongfong is heading to Japan coast and is as powerful as the Haiyan storm that killed thousands of people in 2013.

As of Thursday Vongfong winds were as strong as 105 knots (194.46 km/h) and gust up to 150 knots (277.8 km/h), with wave height reaching 15.25 m. It is expected to be to 260 km/h in the coming days. Typhoons graduate to 'super' status when winds reach 150 mph (241 km/h).

NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, who is a member of the 41st expedition to the ISS, has posted a photo of the typhoon in his Twitter account.

Vongfong adalah siklon tropika yang paling kuat tahun ini, dan yang paling kuat sejak Taufan Haiyan tahun lepas yg memaparkan 315 km/Jam angin & bahagian hancur dari Filipina, meninggalkan lebih daripada 8,000 mati dan lebih daripada 1,800 hilang.

"Kekuatannya adalah sangat serupa dengan Haiyan (Yolanda)," kata seorang ahli meteorologi di Agensi Meteorologi Jepun kepada AFP.

Taufan yg sedang berlaku di atas air terbuka kini West barat laut di Lautan Pasifik barat, menurut Taufan Bersama yang berpangkalan di Hawaii Center (JTWC) Amaran. Ia bergerak pd kelajuan 8 knot (14.8 km/Jam), berkata Jepun Metero-logical Agensi.

Vongfong is the strongest tropical cyclone of the year, and the strongest since last year's Typhoon Haiyan which featured 315 km/h winds and devastated parts of the Philippines, leaving over 8,000 dead and more than 1,800 missing.

"Its strength is very much similar to Haiyan (Yolanda)," a meteorologist at the Japan Meteorological Agency told AFP.

The typhoon is going on open water now west- northwest in the western Pacific Ocean , according to the Hawaii-based Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). It’s moving at a speed of 8 knots (14.8 km/h), the Japan Meterological Agency said.

Pegawai kerajaan di Guam, Saipan, Rota dan Tinian melaporkan kerosakan kecil dari taufan dan hujan lebat semalam. Vongfong melalui pulau2 Amerika Syarikat dalam Marianas awal minggu ini, tetapi sedikit kerosakan dilaporkan. Jika ia kekal pada kursus, ia akan jatuh di pulau Okinawa Jepun dan kemudian, lemah, di Kyushu pulau dan berhampiran dengan Korea Selatan.

Yang paling teruk Vongfong kesan ke atas Jepun dijangka sedikit masa pada hujung minggu. Vongfong dijangka terus mengukuhkan tempoh 24 jam akan datang tetapi boleh kehilangan sedikit stim kerana ia mengetuai utara.

"Biasanya, taufan paling kuat adalah apabila mereka berada di kawasan Tropika. Mereka mula secara beransur-ansur melemahkan kerana mereka bergerak ke kawasan subtropika dan zon beriklim sederhana, "kata ahli meteorologi ini.

Taufan adalah jenis yang sama ribut taufan seperti; mereka dipanggil taufan di Lautan Pasifik Barat.

Ini amaran cuaca yang teruk sebelum ini, yang dijana oleh Phanfone, menyebabkan lebih daripada 1.2 juta orang yang akan dipindahkan ke tempat perlindungan, terganggu udara & perjalanan kereta api & juga mencari & menyelamat usaha untuk orang hilang.

Government officials in Guam, Saipan, Rota and Tinian reported minor damage from the hurricane and heavy rains on Monday. Vongfong passed through U.S. islands in the Marianas earlier this week, but little damage was reported. If it stays on its course it will fall on Japanese Okinawa island and then, weakened, on Kyushu island and close to South Korea.

The worst Vongfong impacts on Japan are expected some time over weekend. Vongfong is expected to continue strengthening over the next 24 hours but could lose some steam as it heads north.

“Normally, typhoons are strongest when they are in the Tropics. They start to gradually weaken as they move into the subtropical region and the temperate zone,” the meteorologist said.

Typhoons are the same type of storm as hurricanes; they're called typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean.

The previous severe weather alert, generated by Phanfone, caused more than 1.2 million people to be evacuated to shelters, disrupted air and rail travel as well as the search and rescue efforts for missing people.

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